3 Easy steps to prepare for ITIL Foundation V3 Exam

Ahmad Agha

ITIL Foundation V3 exam is designed to examine your knowledge and understanding of the course of the ITIL framework. Knowing the fact that the main purpose of ITIL foundation V3 stage in the overall ITIL certification scheme, is to unify terminologies of different IT service management activities inside any organization.

With that been said, you should expect questions in your ITIL foundation V3 that teases your memory for different terminologies while other questions will examine your level of understanding of different concepts and their relationships.

I hear you saying now ‘’Do I have to memorize a lot in ITIL foundation preparation?’’

The answer is YES and NO!

Yes you need to memorize the basics terminologies and no you don’t have to memorize by heart! Don’t forget that understanding the concept is the first step of memorizing the book definition of that concept.

I will be making a completely free e-book to teach you how to memorize definition at ease without breaking your head, keep following me on Social Media….

Now when you plan and prepare for your ITIL foundation V3 exam, you need to go through the following 3 steps.


3 steps to prepare confidently for ITIL foundation V3 exam:

Step 1: Diving into the Book

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Dive into the ITIL Book

After you have determined which ITIL foundation guide/Book you are planning to study from, and whether you are planning to attend a classroom course or an online course or even doing a self-studying, you need to go through the material/guide at least three times

Three TIMES?

Yes three times, it seems difficult but with my approach, it’s not going to be difficult at all.

  • First time reading:

Start to have a quick reading for the book or guide that you have determined

What do I mean by quick reading?

For this first reading, you only need to get familiar with the overall structure and syllabus of the course, so only go through headings and any underneath subtitles and quickly skim the definitions

  • Second time reading:

Start to focus on definitions and terminologies and take your own notes about each one

Start to focus on the relationships between different terminologies and each other, how one process can impact the other and how each one relates to the overall objectives of the ITIL framework and life cycle.

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Now when you’re done with your reading it’s time to practice and practice a lot

Don’t just say I have filled a couple of exam samples and it seems fine


You need to practice a lot, and every time you fill a sample exam honestly without looking at the answers, it will give you the sense of how real exam questions will look like.

Also you need to keep track on your score in each sample exam you fill, and watch yourself when getting the same questions wrong twice may indicate you are reading the question quickly or misinterpreting the question or answers or even that topic requires some further studies.

I am from the school that says you need to book the real-time even before you start studying for it.

So let’s assume that there are 48 hours left for your real ITIL foundation V3 exam

I am saying 48 hours on purpose!

48 hours and not 24 hours

I don’t want you to study or review anything in the night just before the real exam date, so we’ll focus in this step on the day before that last day.

When 48 hours Left for your exam, do the following:

  • Have a quick review of all the definitions in the course
  • Get a piece of paper and draw all processes in the ITIL lifecycle, then start to draw lines to connect all possible processes with each other.
  • Don’t forget to write on top of the connector lines between processes how these two processes are connected or what output expected from one another.

Finally, if there is any topic that you still feel you need further study, go ahead and review, and pick all questions from your sample exams that are related to that topic and re-answer it again

Good luck in your ITIL Foundation V3 Exam….

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